See what military bases, corporations, universities and high schools are saying
"Had the privilege of listening to Jared today at our Harmans KFC convention. What an awesome young man. Very grateful." -Bobby B.
"His ability to connect with people and sense of humor is extra special. One of the best motivational speeches I've ever heard." -Michael E.
Hope, courage, inspiration, patience, kindness, motivation, strength and forgiveness. Those are just a few words to describe the emotions you feel after hearing Jared share his story and his message Fire Back. -Stephanie R.

"What an excellent speaker. Very human. you will be moved by this brave man life story. I been going to conventions for over 30 years and this was the very best. In person this man is a terrific guy just to speak with." -William F.
It’s so nice to talk to folks that have been patients, especially with what all he had to endure and push through to get where he is today. Patients like him keep me grateful and humbled that I have the opportunity to make a difference and help others for my career. I would highly recommend him and the message he has to share!"
“I have known Jared Estes since arriving at McConnell AFB in his role as an honorary commander and later as a McConnell supporter and guest speaker. Jared has had a positive impact on the whole base and on me in particular. He is a fine example of a courageous warrior and I believe that his message will have a positive impact on any group or individual who hears it."
-Thomas J. Riney, Colonel, USAF
“I feel very fortunate that we were able to get Jared to talk to us. He totally blew me away. I knew what his presentation was about, but he goes so much deeper than ‘don’t drink and drive.’ He goes into reaching goals, overcoming obstacles and overcoming suicide and depression … I felt like he was able to reach so much more of my formation than I originally anticipated.”
Captain Elizabeth Bell, commander of Company D at Fort Riley U.S. Army Base
“He has the strongest story of resiliency I’ve ever seen,” McAden said. “He was able to tell his story and keep it light despite the truth behind everything. I think it’s good to see someone who has been affected by a DUI, so soldiers can see how selfish it is and how it does not just affect them.”
Sargeant Jennifer McAden, Company D, 2nd GSAB, 1st Avn. Regt., 1st CAB, 1st Inf. Division at Fort Riley U.S. Army Base